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Enrichment Classes / Specialty -
Winter/Spring 2025

Do you want to help your child maintain reading and math skills over summer break? GRASP is an at-home program used by families throughout the U.S. for 50 years!

Children finishing Kindergarten to 8th grade receive a packet of materials with a booklet (Please NOTE: no packet or booklet is distributed for those choosing online). This booklet has 9 units of review exercises to be completed each week. Each lesson takes about one hour to complete.  

You mail scansheets to GRASP for scoring and we will email lesson results back. Or, NEW THIS YEAR, parents can score scansheets with their cell phones instead of mailing them in! Parents will receive an email with more information after the registration is processed. 

Children in grades 4 to 8 can choose to do GRASP online instead of using the book and scansheets. The results of each question are shown immediately.

If your child successfully completes at least 7 units with 70% accuracy they are awarded a certificate. Those successfully completing all 9 units with 70% accuracy receive a medal (one per child). Results will be shared with your school, and they will distribute certificates and medals. 

Order the grade level they are just completing so they can review or order a different level if that is appropriate for your child.  All materials will be sent home with your child by the last week of school. Online logins will be emailed.
